Heart of the Hive - Canvas Prints

An original digital painting by Simon Haiduk

Canvas Prints:  Pigment-based archival inks on 100% cotton archival canvas, coated with a UV protective varnish are used to create an image that should not deteriorate or fade for 100 years.  The stretched option comes on a 3/4" frame, ready to hang. The rolled option has a 2" extra border for stretching or framing if you decide to do it later.  more info

Custom sizes and deeper stretcher frames are available upon request. 

Paper Prints are available here.

The "Simon Haiduk" watermark shown here in the bottom corner of the image is not on the printed version.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

The rolled canvas arrived flattened so there are 4 lines across it once stretched, and the magnets were bent. The products are great but the shipping was less than desired. Recommend reenforcing the box a little better to prevent this in the future.