Spirit Wolf - Paper Prints

An original digital painting by Simon Haiduk

Paper Prints:  made to fit within standard size frames, the image is not always the full size of the paper size listed (more info).  "Archival" prints are meant to last a lifetime, printed with the same high-quality fade-resistant inks as the canvas prints.  The paper is also high-quality acid-free cotton card stock.  Other paper prints are printed on FSC-certified card stock paper with 30% post-consumer recycled content. 

Custom sizes are available upon request.

Canvas Prints are available here.

The "Simon Haiduk" watermark shown here in the bottom corner of the image is not on the printed version. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Patrick Critz
Print Review

Very stylish!

Lynn Jarvis
Spirit Wolf

I bought this for a friend and he loves it! I bought one for my nephew, too. I love this image.

Eric Sieverling

Great quality print, even better to see it on my wall than on my screen! I really like that it fits in a standard size frame....

Burst of brilliance

Outstanding image; I have it framed and am very happy with how it looks hanging in my office. Would buy from Simon again.